continental drift
- n.大陆漂移

A dynamical model for continental drift and experimental simulated results
The Continental Drift and the Development of the Flowering Plants
Continental drift as related to the diffusion and distribution of wasps in yunnan , China
The continental drift theory and sea-floor spreading theory .
This poses another problem , because continental drift moves the points used to define the points around all the time .
Effect of continental drift on phylogeny of termites
The idea that continents broke and drift apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift .
Crustal " rolling-extending effect " and sea-floor spreading and continental drift
Continental drift ( the slow movement of the continents towards and away from each other during the history of the Earth )
The theory of continental drift has had a long and turbulent history since it was first proposed by Alfred Wagener in1910 .
The Pacific trench lies deeper under the water and its characteristics differ in composition from the newer magma that has arisen during continental drift .
Triassic palaeobiogeography and the continental drift
Shira appear in Ice Age : Continental Drift , She is part of Gutt 's crew , and the captain 's former first mate .
In this paper , a simple dynamical model for simulating continental drift is formulated based on the angular momentum exchange between inner solid core and outer liquid core during the early stage of the Earth formation .
In the continents , this mobilization was expressed by tectonic or tectonic-magma tic activization , but on a global scale by continental drift or plate movements .
Murmured the dying man , " that they may not separate us if you save me !" The idea that continents broke and drift apart is known as the hypothesis of continental drift .
The results of the study of molecular phylogeny is consistent with the Panbiogeography result . This indicates that the process of formation and evolution of Fagus genus were affected by the continental drift and the geological history events .
In the whole period of the 20th century , the cognition of Earth has experienced several stages , i.e. , continental drift sea floor spreading lithospheric plate tectonics , and established basically the global tectonics with its connotation of mobilism .
Prof. Huang Fu-sheng et al . ( 1987 ) further discussed the relations between continental drift and the origination and the distributions of Isoptera on their fossil species , count and the geologic periods kept them .
Geologists will be hammering at outcrops , making geological maps , exploring the sea floor , and scrutinizing moon rocks as long as mountain-making , continental drift , sea floor spreading , earthquakes , and other planetary features remain incompletely explained .
They are made of continental rather than oceanic rock , and seem to be a small part of the jigsaw puzzle of continental drift rather than genuine oceanic islands .